Chromebook Policy Agreement
By enrolling my child at Suncrest Early Learning Center I agree that my child may use their school provided laptop during allotted times and for school purposes only. All laptop activities are to be monitored by a teacher and any unapproved usage can result in loss of laptop privileges. I also agree that laptops are the sole responsibility of the child they are assigned to and Suncrest Early Learning Center is not liable for any damage, physical or otherwise, to the laptop.
By enrolling my child at Suncrest Early Learning Center I agree that my child may use their school provided laptop during allotted times and for school purposes only. All laptop activities are to be monitored by a teacher and any unapproved usage can result in loss of laptop privileges. I also agree that laptops are the sole responsibility of the child they are assigned to and Suncrest Early Learning Center is not liable for any damage, physical or otherwise, to the laptop.